The Board of Directors, its employees and agents, are responsible for managing and administering the Common Elements and Assets of Halton Standard Condominium Corporation (HSCC) 552.
Each year, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Owners, an election is held for vacancies on the Board of Directors. The Board consists of five (5) volunteer members, with terms varying from one to three years. Positions on the Board include: President, Vice President, General Manager, Treasurer and Secretary.
As elected representatives of the Owners, the Board is responsible for managing the Condominium Corporation’s property and business affairs. The Board of Directors is obligated to enforce the Condominium Act and the Corporation’s governing documents: the Declaration, By-laws and Rules. Directors can only carry out the business of the Board at a Board Meeting where there is a quorum present. Questions, comments and concerns may be expressed in writing to the Board, via a Service Request or left with Security to the Board’s attention.
The Board of Directors hire a professional condominium management company to assist in the day-to-day management and administration of the property. Our Condominium Corporation is managed by the Property Management team at Wilson, Blanchard Management Inc. Please contact the Corporation’s Property Manager, Brennah Hughes, if you have any questions or concerns.
Direct: 905-540-8800 | Fax: 905-540-4450
After-Hours Emergencies: 905-540-8800 x 300
The building is staffed 24/7 by security personnel provided by Guardian International. In addition to monitoring and protecting the premises, the Security Team also provides concierge services, such as: booking of elevators and amenities, accepting parcel deliveries, and escorting contractors to units for any maintenance that has been arranged for by the Corporation.
The Corporation maintains a contract with Estrada Cleaning for cleaning of the Common Areas, the Parking Garage and the grounds. Cleaning staff are on site Monday through Saturday for general cleaning and maintenance of common areas. Although some high traffic areas such as the lobby are dealt with daily, other areas are cleaned on a rotating schedule. Residents play an important part in the overall appearance of the building and everyone is asked to treat the common areas in the same manner as they would their own unit.